Our students achieve success in the Pearson Test of English or PTE. In line with this, our trainers cater to the students' needs by providing top quality PTE coaching. They design the curriculum and schedule in a way that suits the students best. We have trainers who evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the students, and then design an individualised study plan.
Through different PTE Coaching strategies like Efficient Time Management, Mock Tests, Problem Solving and Strategy Sessions we give our students the best training they need.
The PTE Academic assesses the real life English skills you will need at your university and living abroad. Not only does PTE assess speaking, listening, reading and writing, but also reflects real life settings, as well as testing academic skills.
PTE Academic is the world's leading computer-based test of English for study abroad and immigration. If one is planning to apply to universities or for a UK or Australian visa and need proof of English proficiency, one can use the PTE Academic score. PTE Academic assesses listening, reading, speaking and writing in a single three-hour online test session.
To complete the PTE Academic test, a candidate needs to go to a secure Pearson Test Centre. The candidate uses a computer and headset to listen to, read and respond to questions.
PTE Academic assesses real life, academic content. During the test, the candidate hears excerpts from lectures and views graphs and charts. The candidate hears a range of accents in the test, from British and American to non-native speakers, in order to be exposed to the type of accents that may be encountered in everyday life.
Candidates can schedule their tests in as little as twenty-four hours in advance, appear for a single three-hour test session and receive results within five business days.
PTE offers flexible test dates. In 2016, test sessions were available 300 days of the year. Candidates can choose from test centres in 150 locations worldwide. PTE is approved by the UK and Australian Governments. Thousands of academic programmes, including Harvard, Yale and INSEAD accept PTE score.
Extra score reports are not charged additionally. Candidates can send their scores to as many institutions as they choose.
Scoring Pattern
The PTE test is scored against the Global Scale of English, giving you an accurate snapshot of the performance of the test-taker on a scale of 10 - 90. Detailed score reports show the overall test-taker performance as well as their ability on sub-skills and enabling skills. Join a coaching centre and work hard to attain good PTE scores.
Item scoring
All items in PTE Academic are machine-scored. Scores for some item types are based on correctness alone, while others are based on correctness, formal aspects and the quality of the response.
Formal aspects refer to the form of the response: for example, whether it is over or under the word limit for a particular item type. The quality of the response is represented in the enabling skills. For example, in the item type Re-tell lecture, the response is scored on skills such as oral fluency and pronunciation.
Scores for item types assessing speaking and writing skills are generated by automated scoring systems. There are two types of scoring: Correct or Incorrect.
Some item types are scored as either correct or incorrect. If a response is correct, a score of 1 is given, but if it is incorrect, no score points are awarded.
Partial credit
Other item types are scored as correct, partially correct or incorrect. If responses to these items are correct, the maximum score points available for each item type will be received, but if they are partly correct, some score points will be given, but less than the maximum available for the item type. If responses are incorrect, no score points will be received.
The tables that follow give an overview of how the 20 item types in the three parts of PTE Academic are scored. They also show timings, the number of items in any given test, the communicative skills, enabling skills and other elements scored.
Note- The minimum and maximum time indicated for the sections of each part of the test do not add up to the total time stated. This is because different versions of the test are balanced for total length. No candidate will get the maximum or minimum times indicated.
The PTE Academic reports an overall score.
Overall score
The overall score is based on the student's performance on all test items. For each item, the score you obtain contributes to the overall score. The overall score range is 10-90 points. Good preparation will definitely result in good PTE scores.